Blagojche Naumoski – Bane, was born on April 2th, 1985 in Kicevo, Macedonia. He graduated in 2007 from the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of “St. Cyril and Methodius” Skopje, Pedagogical department of art direction in the class of Professor Rubin Korubin. In 2007, he postgraduates in the class of Professor Veljo Tashovski, art direction, while in 2009 gets his Masters Degree under Professor Jovan Sumkovski. He is a member of the Association of Artists of Macedonia (DLUM) since 2007. In 2009 joins the group Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T and actively participates in all its projects. He has also participated in many group exhibitions in Berlin, Paris, New York, Haifa (Izrael), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Serbia, Bulgaria, Prague etc. In recent years has realized eleven solo and many group exhibitions:
Realized solo exhibitions:
2013 “Review sketches in several concepts” MC Gallery, New York
2012- Premiere of art film "Looking for the man" (NI Cultural Center Koco Racin) – Kicevo, Macedonia
2012 – "IN - OUT - ENERGY - IN - OUT - ILLUMINATION" (Konoteka Macedonia) – Skopje, Macedonia
2011 – Promotion – exhibition of art book – object “Review sketches in several concepts” Multimedia Centre Mala Stanica (NGM) – Skopje, Macedonia
2010 - “IN - OUT - ENERGY VIA IN - OUT - IDENTITY” - Prima Center Berlin (PCB) – Berlin, Germany
2010 – “Visual spaciousness of quantum”- ART I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T. – Skopje, Macedonia
2009 - “Energy in the elements - the space within space - Visual spaciousness of quantum” Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) – Skopje, Macedonia
2009 - “Look through the sections”-Youth Cultural Center (MCC) – Skopje, Macedonia
2008 - “Touch” - Gallery of DLUM – Skopje, Macedonia
2007 - “The Magic of Touch” - House of Culture ASNOM “- Gostivar, Macedonia
2007 - “The Magic of Touch” - Cultural Center “Koco Racin” – Kicevo, Macedonia
Realized group exhibitions:
- 2014 WINTER SALON OF DLUM '' The Body remember” Multimedia Center Mala Station (NGM) – Skopje
- 2013- OSTEN "World Gallery of Drawings - Awarded Artists'' In collaboration with Gallery of art critics - Adria Palace, Prague
- 2013 – '' Back An Exit, From One Place to Another”, Gallery MC – New York
- 2013 – “OSTEN - ARTIST OF THE YEAR'' - Skopje
-2012 - "World Gallery of Drawings - OSTEN Biennial of Drawing" – Skopje, Macedonia
- 2012 - "TALK ART" with the Museum of Contemporary Art, Gallery E.G.P. – Paris
- 2011 - “Young Visual Artists Annual Award DENES 2011” Museum of the City of Skopje – Skopje
- 2011 - “Young Artists from Macedonia ART I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T” Haifa – Izrael
- 2011 - “TACTICA INSTITUTIONALIS” ” Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T. - Multimedia Centre Mala Stanica (NGM) – Skopje
- 2010 - “KVPVS PARTY 2” Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T. – Skopje
- 2010 - “KUNSTDORAN” (Prima Center Berlin) – Berlin
- 2010 - Group Exhibition of Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T. “LOADING ...” – Skopje
- 2010 - “100 Opening the Prima Center Berlin” (SüdOst Europa Cultural Center) – Berlin
- 2010 - “IN - OUT - ENERGY”, Micro - SKOPJE narratives (Skopje urban stories DLUM, Skopje Summer Festival, curator Gorancho Gjorgjievski) – Skopje
- 2010 - “True Art” - Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T – Skopje
- 2010 - “Winter Salon DLUM - Local Doctor - Mister Global”, Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) – Skopje
- 2010 - “Umetni Umetci Umetnati od Umetnici koi Umeat da Umetnikuvaat” - Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T – Skopje
- 2009 - “KVPVS PARTY “- Group Exhibition of Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T – Skopje
- 2009 - Macedonian Art Work “Miniatures” - Gallery DLUM (Army Hall) – Skopje
- 2009 - “Students graduate - Painting - Sculpture - Graphics - Multimedia Centre Mala Stanica (NGM) – Skopje
- 2009 - “Climate Change - Culture Change” - World Bank and the Swiss Embassy Gallery - PRESS TO EXIT (Swiss Embassy) – Skopje
- 2009 - XIV Biennale of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean “7 Gates” – Skopje, Macedonia
- 2009 - Macedonian Artists in Sofia (DLUM) – Bulgaria
- 2009 - “Humanitarian exhibition” - Film screening Lobby (MCC) – Skopje
- 2009 - DLUM Drawing and Graphics - Gallery of DLUM – Skopje
- 2009 - “Identity” - Art Gallery Kosovo (Pristina) – Kosovo
- 2009 - 8 Biennial for Young Artists theme: identity, “Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) – Skopje
- 2009 - Macedonian art work “small format” - DLUM Cultural and Information Centre (KIC) – Skopje
- 2008 - “Humanitarian exhibition - Mala Stanica Multimedia Centre (NGM) – Skopje
- 2008 - “DLUM Landscape” - Gallery DLUM (Army Hall) – Skopje
- 2008 - “DLUM Graphics” - Gallery DLUM (Army Hall) – Skopje
- 2008 - “New members of DLUM 2006 - 2007 - 2008” Gallery DLUM (Army Hall) – Skopje
- 2008 - 107 “Macedonian Artists in Paris”- CITE INTERNACIONALE DES ARTS, PARIS 2008 DLUM – Paris
- 2008 - “Art Dialogues 2” - Mala Stanica Multimedia Centre (NGM) – Skopje
- 2008 - “Biennial of small graphics”- Tetovo
- 2008 - “Papradiski craftsmen”- Exhibition of the third painting/woodcarving colony - (Skopje City Museum) – Skopje
- 2008 - “Artistic creations under Bistra” - Cultural Center Koco Racin “- Kicevo
- 2008 - “Small Format” - Macedonian artistic creation - DLUM Cultural and Information Centre (KIC) – Skopje
- 2007 - “Papradiski Masters” - Exhibition of the third painting - woodcarving colony - Art Salon – Veles
- 2007 - “Winter Salon DLUM” (Skopje City Museum) – Skopje
- 2007 - Student Biennial of Graphics (New Market) – Serbia
- 2010 - Performance Art Institute Four ingredients for a perfect artist: THE JOKER, MICHAEL JORDAN, LIAM HOWLETT, KRISTINA” (Art I.N.S.T.I.T.U.T. Geological Institute) – Skopje
- 2010 - “BLACK - WHITE - GLOBALIZATION” (Naumoski Blagojche -Bane and Maja Kirovska) - PRESS TO EXIT Gallery Swiss Embassy – Skopje
Residential stay in the Prima Center Berlin (PCB) – Berlin
First prize for best young artist (World Gallery of Drawing OSTEN) - Skopje, Macedonia